These books and publications are all helpful sources for better understanding Whately’s history, historic landscapes, and its people.
Ahistrom, Aaron, “Chestnut Plain Road Tobacco Barn,” SAH Archipedia, Society of Architectural Historians.
Baldwin, Henry C, Guide to Whately Pottery and The Potters, Whately Massachusetts, 1778 to 1873, Northampton, MA, 1999.
Cane, Ena M., “Deadly Paradox,” undated essay on the need for schools to teach research skills, Whately Historical Society collection.
Cane, Ena M., “Letter to my successor in 2071,” April, 1971, Whately Historical Society collection.
*Cane, Ena M., Whately Massachusetts, 1771-1971, Whately, MA, 1972.
*Crafts, James M., History of the town of Whately, Mass Including a narrative of leading events from the first planting of Hatfield, 1661-1899, Orange, MA, 1899. See Table of Contents
Jones, Calla, “Memories of the Land, Observation, Inquiry, Historical Narrative and Personal Experience,” 2018-2019.
Massachusetts Division of Conservation and Resources, Whately Reconnaissance Report, June 2009, also called the Whately Heritage Landscape Inventory Report.
Massachusetts Historical Commission, Historic and Archaeological Resources of the Connecticut River Valley, a Framework for Preservation, 1988.
Massachusetts Historical Commission, Reconnaissance Survey Town Report: Whatley [sic], 1982.
O’Gorman, James F., Connecticut Valley Vernacular, the Vanishing Landscape and Architecture of the New England Tobacco Fields, Philadelphia, 2002.
Smith, Dereka, “The One and Only Whately,” blog of Whately stories based on materials in WHS, 2015-16
Smith Dereka, “Whately Gazetteer,” unpublished, January 2022, a guide to the history and location of roads and places in Whately.
Temple, J. H., A History of the Town of Whately, Mass., including a narrative of leading events from the first planting of Hatfield, 1660-1871, Boston, MA, 1872. Revised and enlarged by James M. Crafts, 1899.
Thomas, Peter A., Indian Trails, Early Roads and Changing Landscapes in Deerfield, 2019.
Ullman, Helen Schatvet, ed., Western New England Families in 1790, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2012-. Genealogical sketches of heads of households listed in the 1790 US Census.
Watkins, Lura Woodside, Early New England Potters and Their Wares, Cambridge, 1950.
Whately Library Trustees, History of the Whately Library.
Whately Congregational Church, First Congregational Church, 1771-1971, Whately, Mass, 1971.
*Reprinted by and available from the Whately Historical Society.