Contribute materials
Don’t throw away those old letters, diaries, or photos. The Historical Society is always looking for items that illustrate the past. Bring them to the Museum on Tuesday mornings or call for an appointment.
We always need help for events and to help maintain the collection. Call Adelia Bardwell at 665-3837 or email us at [email protected]
Become a member or donate
The Whately Historical Society welcomes new members from within Whately and without. Members receive notices about all programs, invitations to special activities, and “Perspective on the Past” emails. Donations to support our work of preservation, documentation, and expansion of our museum collection are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Individual donors of at least $10 become one-year members; higher annual contributions are encouraged: Supporter $40, Sponsor $75, Patron $150. Donors of $500 or more become five-year members.
Make your check out to the Whately Historical Society and send it along with your name, address, phone number, and email address to the Society at P.O. Box 7, Whately, MA 01093. Or donate with a credit card or your PayPal account by clicking the button below.